Responsible for this homepage:

Claudia Pietsch, MA Psychology
Ludwig-Feuerbach-Straße 71
90489 Nürnberg

Telefon: 0911 4611331
Cell: 0173 3593715
E-Mail: info@claudiapietsch.de

Information in compliance with § 6 of the Teleservice Law:
Occupation designation: Diplom-Psychologin (MA Psychology)
College degree from: Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen (1997) Value-added tax ID: DE228242212

Graphic design & implementation:
designbezirk, www.designbezirk.de
digitalremedy Internet & Multimedia, www.digitalremedy.de
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Although these pages are care-
fully checked for content, no liability can be assumed for the correctness, completeness and currentness of the information provided.

Despite a careful check of the content, no liability can be as-
sumed for the content of exter-
nal links. The owners of these external links are exclusively
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the linked pages.
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